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*M.A. Production Management for Animation, VFX, and Video Games. U-Tad, Madrid, Spain. 2022-23


*M.A. Management and Leadership of Cultural Projects. University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain. 2020-21.


*Degree in Fine Arts. University Complutense, Madrid, Spain. 2014-19


*Concept & Graphism for Video Games. ESDIP, Madrid, Spain. 2016-17

Complementary education

Audiovisual creation workshop at UPV (2021), Documentary Creation Process Workshop with Javier Corcuera at ICM (2020), Overture Diversity Network Meeting Oslo (2019), Advanced course of landscape painting with José Carralero (2017),  Civil Protection course at ISES Higher Institute of Social and Socio-Health Studies (2014).





*Coordinator of the volunteer team at Siphal orphanage in Samsara Kathmandu project Nepal 2016.


*Volunteer of Protección Civil of Torrelodones. This risk intervention and prevention group provides an intermediate step between incidents and professional help in fires, traffic accidents, and other community risks 2012/15


*Scout Group of Torrelodones 2013/21

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